Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • We are collaborating with Prof. Marc Feeley from University of Montréal. For the second consecutive year, M. Feeley has visited us for studying implementation of dynamic languages.

  • As part of our ongoing collaboration on session types, Prof. Paola Giannini from the University of Piemonte Orientale visited our team for two weeks, funded by the COST Action on Reversibility.

  • Our team, together with Cinzia Di Giusto's team at I3S, hosted Mauricio Cano, a PhD student from the University of Groningen, for a 2-month visit. This was part of our collaboration with the University of Groningen within the project PICS SuCCeSS. The visit was funded for the most part by Academy 1 of Université Côte d'Azur.

  • Tamara Rezk supervised the intern Sadry Fievet for 6 months

  • Tamara Rezk supervised - as "tuteur" - the internship of El Mehdi Regragui for 6 months

  • Bertrand Petit and Manuel Serrano supervised the internship of Thibaud Ardoin who studied and implemented the Skini distributed sequencer.